China Briefing, The Practical Application of China Business, is a series of small booklets, which give an overview about specific tax issues in China. The writers are China-based accountants and auditors working for respected professional firms.
The booklet Transfer Pricing in China starts with an introduction to the Chinese tax system, in particular regarding transfer pricing principles and regulations. Within five main chapters, the following aspects are highlighted:
– Identification of the relevant business context
– Design and implementation of a transfer pricing system
– Transfer pricing documentation
– Risk management
– SAT audits, inkluding processes
– Advance pricing agreements
– Thin capitalization
The booklet gives a complete overview about transfer pricing regulations in China and helpful tips regarding the communication vis-à-vis the tax authorities. Helpful are also the diagrams, forms and questions raised in order to approach the important aspects. We can recommend this small booklet as a first information for investors, that already started their business in China.
Transfer Pricing in China
Devonshire-Ellis, Scott, Woollard
Softcover, 85 pages
2nd Edition, published 2011 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg
ISBN: 978-3-642-16079-0